5/28/20 Day #22 Everybody’s Brandon Quick Update

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1nLE4W8LOJ_KNocJYUzAVfx5YjYGnixBW5/28/20 Thursday 
7:30 pm CST

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Brandon is doing amazing !!

This is a selfie that he took!

He got his picc out today, he used a walker to got to the bathroom, (a luxury that we take for granted), he got an IV put in and he is busy contacting the outside world on his IPad.

His eating is right up to speed and is very calculated! He is still eating a high protein diet. He was given choices of puréed meat, and he chose chicken, a side, he chose broccoli , desert, he chose vanilla ice cream, ensure, pudding, and yogurt.

He is patiently awaiting for the paperwork clearance for a rehab facility. (Hopefully, The Woodlands), TX). Lo and behold, The Woodlands just happens to have one of the top rehabilitation places for brain injuries!
God is in control! 
Thanks for all of your prayers!!”


Anonymous said…
Absolutely the best news! Prayers for Brandon, for his wife and children as they travel down the path to complete recovery.

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