Angels; Miraculous Brandon is Still in ICU 5/19/20 10:30 am EST By Debra Tucker Please send stories/pics/video clips of your stories of Brandon To:

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways....Because he (Brandon) hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.  Psalms 91:11, 14

Everybody's Brandon just really loved God.  Brandon is an avid reader.  He would devour a five hundred page book in just a few days.  He would retain so many facts and his wheels (brain) were always turning. 

If he did not understand his course studies, he would just try to reinvent them.  We would butt heads so many times when it came to completing his math.  Since I was his only teacher, I would explain the problem step by step, hour after hour.  I would try to make the math problem as easy to understand as possible.  Because Math is an exact science, there is a proper procedure for arriving at the correct answer.  Brandon, being the strong willed son that he is, would get so angry at me.  His mind did not want to comply with the proper path to arrive at the correct answer.  This process was tedious and exhausting.  This is the interesting twist; Brandon's way surprisingly would arrive at the same answer!! 

The following is a story from Brandon's aunt, (my sister):

"I remember a few family trips to Disney where Brandon enjoyed spotting and showing us all the hidden Mickeys. He was so sharp in spotting them. He was also a great Caryn reminded me, she was reading through the kids Left Behind series when Brandon was reading through the adult books! Praying as Brandon is healing that God is revealing His hidden mysteries to Him and sharpening his mind to do great things!" Pam I was walking into work on April 7, 2020, when lock down was beginning to happen because of Covid-19, I looked up at the sky and saw an unusual formation of clouds.  I whipped out my phone camera and quickly snapped a picture of it.  When I was reading the Bible a few days later the Words of God that struck a chord with my soul were the following: Have not I commanded thee? Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.  Joshua 1:9

The formation of the cloud reminded me of angel wings.  I knew in my heart that God was in control.  God had a plan and He was going to win whatever battle that came.  The Bible says that we entertain angels unaware.  Angels help to protect you.  (The photo on the left is the one taken as I entered work.)  

 The second photo on the right is tilted on its side. It is a photo of the road and the exact spot where Brandon was hit by the truck on the highway.  Brandon had a white can of paint in his hand at the time of the collision.  (He was working alongside of a highway.)  The paint appeared to have exploded and the design permanently left on the highway looked like the sky did that day in which I photographed the first picture of the unusual cloud formation.  I call the highway painting, "Angel Tread Marks!"  I believe both unusual paintings are signs God left for us which says, "I got this!"

Brandon's middle name is Michael.  We chose that name because of the archangel Michael spoken about in the Bible.  Michael is a mighty warrior in God's kingdom against the forces of evil.  Michael is a protector.  I believe that angels were protecting Eveybody's Brandon. I would tell Brandon that we named him after the archangel Michael, and Brandon would get so excited!  Brandon is big and powerful also.  I asked Brandon a few months ago about his weightlifting. The following are his max lifts:

650 lb squat
945 lb calf lift
700 lb dead lift
550 lb bench lift

Brandon is built like his archangel Michael!!

5/19/20 Brandon ate yogurt for the first time today, his fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit broke, he said, "I love you," today, and had a restful night!!!

So far, miracle after miracle has happened.  Brandon went head to head with a 62 mph pick-up truck, he has survived two surgeries, and continues to make improvements everyday!!  He was 12 minutes away from one of the top trauma hospitals in the world!!!

Thanks to ALL!!! Thanks to God, to Brandon's buddy, to ALL of the first responders, to ALL of the hospital workers, to ALL of our friends and family, and to ALL of you prayer warriors.  May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May the Lord shine his face upon you.



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