Look Up 5/22/20 Day #15 Brandon Still Locked inside of Hospital in ICU No Visitors! by Debra Tucker debratucker518@sbcglobal.net

"I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." Psalms 121:1-2

 Times of trial are when you are strengthened.  As day #15 after Brandon's horrific accident lingered on, our faith is being tested.  Just as when you routinely entered the gym, (well...before covid-19), you would roll up your sleeves and get to work.  The redundant repetitions of lifting weights, pushing your self for improvement, require a lot of self discipline. (Or you do as I have done in the past; pay for someone to push you farther than you would yourself! Haha My trainers rocked!!)  Lifting weight actually tears the muscles before strengthening the muscles.  These actions result in pain and discomfort.  

Therefore getting stronger actually requires repetition, discomfort, pain, and discipline.  Our prayers require repetition, discomfort, pain, and discipline.  

 I am absolutely mindful of sometimes our prayers do not come out the way that we ask for.  Sometimes we get a, "yes," sometimes we get a, "wait," and sometimes we get a, "no," answer.  We always get an answer.  You just have to keep trusting and praying and asking.  God is in control and God has a plan.  Not my will, but God’s be done.   

 Recently, Brandon was determined to lose weight.  He was born with incredibly massive muscles.  His uncle told us recently that when Brandon at the age of three, took off his shirt to go swimming one time, his uncle’s friends were embarrassed to remove their shirts.  They were intimidated by Brandon’s physique!

 Brandon was striving to get into better shape.  His wife informed us that he had recently lost seventy pounds.  Saturday, April 25, 2020, I asked Brandon what he was up to.  Here is his quote, "Burpees, pushups, squats, lunges, mountain climbers, stairs, handstand pushups, sit ups, planks, wall sits."  The hotel gym was closed due to corona, but Brandon was pushing through!!  I asked him a few months ago what his max lifts were and this is what he told me:

650 lb. squat
700 lb. dead lift
945 lb. calf raise
550 lb. bench press

The dude is built like the Incredible Hulk!!!  I am sure that Brandon has taken off some weight while he has been in the hospital.  I would NOT recommend this way to lose weight to anyone!! haha 

 Reflecting back to day #7, May 14, 2020, we sat anxiously awaiting Brandon's third surgery.  The doctor's were to place a titanium plate in his mouth, because Brandon's hard palate was broken.  We sat outside of the hospital in a desolate courtyard.  The area was a ghost town.  The weight of Covid-19 lurked in the air.  The occasional masked doctor or nurse would pass us by, never even glancing our way.  No head nod, no hello, no eye glance, nothing.  It was as if we were invisible. (It was not like they could not see us.  We were the only humans sitting in the courtyard.)  

 We longed to hear a good report.  The minutes seemed to stand still.  The monotonous hum of machinery filled the air.  Occasionally, and unfortunately we would hear the whirl of LifeFlight rushing in to save another life.  Our hearts ached for these new faces struggling to survive flying right in the near distance of where we sat.  We were so thankful for the first responders, the doctors, the nurses, the chaplains, and the hospital staff who daily left the comfort of their homes to risk their lives to save people that they had never met!!

 As we were face timing Brandon's sister, Alyssa, we heard something odd in the air.  Right over us was flying the Bandit Fly Team as a salute to the medical heroes who were working at the hospital!!!  The Bandit Flight Team out of Raleigh, NC, flew in formation in YAK 52s and CJ-6s leaving a trail of smoke to say, “thank you,” to the workers on the front line who are risking their lives to save others!!  It was a surreal moment to be able to partake in that moment.  I felt like it was a sign given to us by God, that God has a plan, and that the plan is bigger than I can imagine.  

 King David did not have a, "cake," life.  He had struggles just as you and I encounter.  David's states that he will lift his eyes to the Lord and God will help him. We looked up and saw the Bandit Fly Team fly over us.  Look up for God to give you encouragement today.  This is a crazy world right now, but God wants you to know that He is in control.  Trust Him!! He has your back!!  We may have to suffer. Just as a person religiously goes to the gym to get stronger, we must religiously go to God to get stronger.  So talk to God, seek Him, ask questions, and be strengthened.  Your prayers are heard.  May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May the Lord shine His face upon you.  May your soul be encouraged.  You are not alone.  You are important. You are loved.  Laugh and be encouraged.

This following is the progress on Day #16 after Brandon’s accident:

1.     He can talk

2.    He can read

3.     He can recognized family faces

4.     He sat up for the first time with a lot of help

5.     He can eat soft foods

6.     He can tell jokes

7.     He can recall that he was a firefighter and that he played ice hockey

8.     He know that he is in the hospital

9.     He drives an orange Cadillac Lamborghini!! Haha (got that wrong)

 He needs prayer for a miraculous healing of the brain, and for self control to kick in, and for his wife and children to be comforted.

 Thank you to God, to Brandon's buddy who stood by his side, to the first responders, to the doctors, to the nurses, to the hotel staff where we are staying, to friends, to family, and to everyone who has helped along the way!!!   




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