The Bow Day 18 of ICU 5/25/20 9:30 pm EST by Debra Tucker
Today was an amazing awesome day!! After 18 days in the ICU, Brandon was finally moved to what is called a Step Down!!! The doctors feel that he has made enough progress to move to another room.
We see refreshing rays of hope everyday!! Everyday a “best” moment occurs. On Friday, May 22, 2020, Gregg and I decided to pop in to the local grocery store, Harris Teeters, here in North Carolina. We sauntered around the store trying to navigate our newfound surroundings while discovering new and exciting Triscuit crackers to try. (We usually explore something different while visiting a new area). Since covid-19 has all the restaurants on lockdown, the local grocery store is the “happening” place. The clerk at the checkout counter was pleasant. We told her that our son had been hit by a truck. The shocking news sunk deep into her soul. We quickly purchased a collectors Starbuck coffee cup from North Carolina (a tradition began by Gregg’s mother), and headed out for the car.
As we began to pull out of the sparsely occupied parking lot I looked up in the dark grey sky and saw the left part of a rainbow pulsing in the sky. (It had been rainy and sultry for the past two days. Rainy days always bring me down.) Brandon had been running a fever at that time, his white blood count was up, his speech was that of a parrot, and timeless ticking was beginning to weigh heavy on us. We were on Day #15 and time was revealing some things that we did not want to hear. I asked Gregg to pull back into the parking lot so I could jump out of the car and snap a shot of the partial rainbow. When I looked up again, an entire rainbow had formed. As I stood there soaking in the splendor, a second complete rainbow appeared! One gentleman gust fully said, “Wow, I needed that!” As I tried unsuccessfully to capture the vibrant colors, many more people began to look up in awe. I just felt like God was saying to us, “I’ve got this; everything is going to be OK.”
A new surge of electrical energy and excitement filled our souls. We just kept fervently praying for healing. People from all over the world are praying for Brandon. We are standing on God’s Word for Brandon’s complete healing. Doctors and nurses are working around the clock to heal what they can in his body. Time is healing his body. He is surprising the medical team at how well he is recovering.
After the great flood on this earth, God placed a rainbow in the sky. The rainbow represented a covenant with man that God would never again flood the entire earth again. God does not break his promises. God says that he will never leave us or forsake us. King David said that he had never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging for bread.
In this world of covid-19, God will never leave you. God is always there for you. He never said that you would not have trials. The trials make you stronger. It is good to count it all joy when we receive various trials, because the testing of our faith produces endurance. Just as you work out at the gym; or you work hard at studying; or you spend endless hours praying; you get stronger and you get smarter.
Day # 18 Monday, May 25, 2020 Brandon is out of ICU!!! His fever broke, his white blood count is normal, his trach is capped, he is eating soft foods, his bones are healing, his brain is healing, his scars are healing, he is getting rest, his speech is good, his memory is healing, his gloves are off, and he is telling jokes!!! There is talk of him coming back to Texas soon.
Please pray for total healing, and that he can get back with his wife and with his children as soon as possible.
I told him that people from all over the world were praying for him, and he asked me, “Who organized that?” I told him that the word just got out. Your prayers are powerful. We continue to pray for the healing of this world.
Thank you so much to his buddy, to the first responders, to the doctors, to the nurses, to the chaplains, to friends, to family, to all of your prayer warriors. Be encouraged, God hears your prayers. May God bless you and keep you, may the Lord shine His face upon you.
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